Monday, April 29, 2013

Top 10 Most Anticipated Summer Movies of 2013

Ah, the bright & warm days of Summer are upon us once more. Sipping margaritas by the pool, Reading on the porch during the rain, and best of all Summer movies. Yes, this is the time of year when the studios pull out the biggest guns to bring in the most cash. And unlike other years, 2013 looks to have a good crop of cinematic spectacle to suit any taste. So without further ado,

Top 10 Most Anticipated Summer Movies of 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Shakespeare!

Silence of the Loki

The first Thor movie was not great. It was still good, fun and entertaining, just not as good as it could have been. Well my favorite Avenger seems to be back on course with the trailer for his new movie The Dark World.

Not much to say at this point, other than it looks good. Three things that caught my attention:

  • Natalie Portman must be getting Star Wars flashbacks hanging around Asgard
  • Is that huge black thing plowing through London a spaceship? Do the villains have a spaceship?
  • You can tell Tom Hiddleston is gonna have a blast playing Loki as Hannibal Lector

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy 75th Birthday Superman!

Today marks 75 years since the Man of Steel made his first appearance in Action Comics #1. Here's some old-school Superman adventure to celebrate.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Star Trek into Dark Knight Returns

I'll admit Star Trek Into Darkness has been leaving me lukewarm. Mostly it's been the jerking around about Cumberbatch's character (now named John Harrison) but the whole production has come across just overly dark and serious to an almost ridiculous degree. But the new trailer has piqued my interest.

Okay, now I get what kind of movie this is. Cumberbatch is the big bad (still don't know what his deal is but whatever) who attacks the Federation. Kirk, being the cocky bastard he is, goes after him. But he gets in over his head and Cumberbatch knocks him down, pretty badly if this trailer is any indication. So Kirk has to come back, overcome his trauma and beat Cumberbatch.

So it's a hero rises from the ashes story. Cool, I can get behind that. Been done before, probably even in Star Trek, but it's a solid enough foundation to build a movie off of. Though what's the deal with Cumberbatch's big black evil Entreprise? Bitching aside, that's pretty cool and makes me want to know more.

Jeans of Steel take it out of their pants

So I was going to talk about this General Zod clip Warner Bros. released the other day. But I got scooped when today they just released the final Man of Steel trailer.

Holy Shit.

That was fucking beautiful. Perfect encapsulation of what makes Superman great. Music and visuals coming together amazingly to show off the movie. This just looks better with every new trailer. But two things in this trailer stood out to me...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ode to Ensign Ricky

Anyone who's watched science fiction TV for any amount of time is probably familiar with the redshirt.  You know, the anonymous crew member who beams down to the planet with the main character and then dies to show how dangerous the situation is. It's a well-worn cliche but it works so people keep using it. Though it does raise the question, what must life be like for these poor dopes who realize that stepping foot on any planet will likely get them killed? Well, John Scalzi has the answer.

Friday, April 5, 2013

RIP Roger Ebert

The famed film critic passed away today at age 70.

He was one of the greats, not just in film criticism but in writing about movies. Losers like me wish we had half his talent. I highly recommend his books The Great Movies and This Movie Sucks.