Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Disney buys Star Wars

Straight from the bantha's mouth

With George Lucas officially retiring, Lucasfilm has been purchased by Disney for $4.05 billion dollars. Meaning that as of today, the entire Star Wars universe of movies and related media now belongs to Disney. And they announced Star Wars: Episode 7 for release in 2015.

Holy shit...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Review of the Jedi: Tipping Points

Join the Serial Wordsmith every Monday as he recaps and reviews the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Well that was better than it had any right to be. Like I said last week, the Onderon story arc has been wearing me out and I was looking forward to it ending this week. So imagine my surprise when we got the ending and it actually turned out to be pretty awesome. But we'll get to that, we start off with where we left off last week (duh). After rescuing King Dendup (still a stupid name), the rebels fled into the mountains. Dendup gives a giant holographic message to the people of Onderon supporting the rebels and they finally start rioting in the streets against the Separatists. King Rash is at his last limit because his entire reign has gone to shit thanks to the rebels. Kalani decides the only way to turn things around is crush the rebels once and for all. And now that there outside the city, he's free to bring out the big guns. Kalani orders a squadron of droid gunships to follow the droid army and exterminate the rebels with extreme prejudice. They respond with a Battlestar Galactica reference.

More after the break,

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Go see Cloud Atlas

Do it, go see this movie. It's incredible. Visually lush, amazing performances, makeup, effects, and editing that would make any filmmaker envious, great music. You owe it yourself to see this.

I'm not even lying or being hyperbolic when I say Cloud Atlas left me speechless. Coming out of the theater, I was stunned. I felt winded as if I had run a marathon. This movie impacts you. At least it did me.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Review of the Jedi: The Soft War

Join the Serial Wordsmith every Monday as he recaps and reviews the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

God, I'm going to have sit through one more episode of this crap. I'll get more into this later, but the Onderon arc is starting to wear on me. It's just not very good. Anyway, the episode begins where we left off last week with the Onderon rebels infiltrating the capital and using guerrilla tactics on the Separatists. After attacking more droids, Steela gives a message to the people using the tried and true tactic of giant hologram to join their cause and overthrow the King Rash (who I called Young Derek Jacobi last week). King Rash is still pissed and talking over the situation with the General of his home army and Kalani, the droid general Dooku sent him last week.

The home General (who doesn't get a name so I'll call him General Moustache) seems like a nice guy, like he's with the bad guys only because he runs the army and the bad guys are in charge of the army right now. Naturally, he clashes with Kalani because Kalani works for Dooku and is therefore a huge jerk because Dooku be evil yo. Despite saying that it wasn't the case last week, King Rash still thinks the old king is running the rebels. Oh, by the way the old king's name is Dendup. Dendup. Even in the world of stupid Star Wars names, that is a stupid name.

More after the break,

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Bela Lugosi

Today would have been the great horror actor's 130th birthday.

Long Live Dracula!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Review of the Jedi: Front Runners

Join the Serial Wordsmith every Monday as he recaps and reviews the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

We pick up this week with Part 2 of the Onderon story arc. Our heroes and their rebel buddies from last week are going around the capital city and messing up the droids' business. The new douchebag Separatist king (who looks like a young Derek Jacobi) is understandably pissed about this and drags his predecessor out of jail to get some answers. Gotta say, I didn't think the old king would still be alive. Wouldn't it make more sense to kill him? Anyway the old king doesn't have answers about the rebels because he's been in jail, but King Derek Jacobi just thinks he's full of shit. Jacobi says call the rebels off or else.

Meanwhile, our heroes (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Rex) and the rebels led by Steela, Saw and Lux return to their hidden base. They're celebrating their success but Obi-Wan warns them about perception. They need to get the public on their side if they're going to win back their planet. Anakin and Rex say they've been trained enough and can handle things on their own. Ahsoka's staying behind to supervise the rebels but the rest are heading back to Coruscant.

More after the break,

Friday, October 12, 2012

Top 10 Monsters who deserve more Media exposure

Well dear readers, it is October once again. Meaning that Halloween is not too far away. I love Halloween, hands down my favorite holiday of the year and one of my favorite things about Halloween  is the reappearance of all the classic monsters. Vampires, Werewolves, Mummies, all of them. But human history and legend is full of weird and wild monsters who sadly get overlooked. That's a shame and I think it's time these offbeat horrors had their time in the sun. So without further ado, the Serial Wordsmith is proud to present...

The Top 10 Monsters who need more Media Exposure

Monday, October 8, 2012

Review of the Jedi: A War on Two Fronts

Join the Serial Wordsmith every Monday as he recaps and reviews the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Our episode this week begins with the newsreel-esque narrator telling us that Weird Jungle Planet #256 (or Onderon as they're calling it this week) has got a new king and he's sided with Separatists. But not everybody is onboard with this and a rebel group has popped up to oppose him. And they're not weird aliens this time, they're dark-skinned humans! ZOMG! I didn't know those existed in Star Wars.

I kid, I kid. Anyway, these rebels call up the Jedi for help overthrowing their new jerk king. Anakin suggests they can train the rebels in guerilla tactics and attack the Separatists on two fronts (title drop). The other Jedi are unsure about this, fearing their involvement will create terrorism against a legitimate government. I've got to say, they have a point. This situation reminds of the Iran-Contra affair from the 80s, where the Soviets were propping up an abusive government in Nicaragua so we started supporting the rebels there because Soviets be bad y'all. But then it turned out the rebels were bigger bastards than the other guys.

More after the break,

Monday, October 1, 2012

Review of the Jedi: Revival

Join the Serial Wordsmith every Monday as he recaps and reviews the new season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

And so we begin Season 5 of Clone Wars with Revival. The episode starts where the previous season left off, Darth Maul is back and totally pissed off. He and his brother/apprentice Savage are going around wrecking people's shit on the run from the Jedi. Maul realizes they can't run forever and if they want to survive, they're going to need a plan. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi and fellow Jedi Adi Gallia are hunting down the two rogue Sith. They arrive at the space station Maul and Savage were fucking up and find out they fled to the Planet Florrum, homebase of Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates.

More after the break,