Sunday, June 24, 2018

FLCL Progressive Episode 4: A Review

I might have lost the thread here folks. For the most part, Episode 4 of Progressive continued on much how the first three episodes did. Some series-appropriate wackiness, some vague exposition on the bullshit in the story's background that doesn't really matter, some of Jinyu and Haruko at each others throats. But after one curveball of a callback, the episode's main conflict resolved and I became totally lost on what happened next or what any of it meant. But then again, this is FLCL so more's the fool on me for trying to make sense of the nonsensical in the first place. Still, the story did get deeper into its main character and there may be some hints that the background matters more than I gave it credit for.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

FLCL Progressive Episode 3: A Review

It's a Beach Episode! Hooray!

Of course this is still FLCL, and when you've only got six episodes to work with even the beach episode isn't going to be just filler fluff. In fact, I like that the production crew basically subvert the typical anime beach episode from square one. These are usually an excuse to show off the female characters in skimpy swimsuits, light fanservice, so what does Progressive do? It has Hidomi wear an oversized shirt over her cute swimsuit for all the fun beach antics. Not only is that a funny subversion, it's also totally in character.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

FLCL Progressive Episode 2: A Review

My main criticism of FLCL Progressive's first episode was that it lacked the energy and wackiness of its predecessor. The second episode tackled this issue basically right out of the gate, presenting something very much in the spirit of FLCL while still being its own thing. Haruko seems to be the missing factor in regards to that lacking energy as she moved if not into the spotlight than at least out of the wings this episode.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

FLCL Progressive Episode 1: A Review

I doubt that I was the only person shocked and bewildered when [adult swim] announced that they were making not one, but two sequel series to the legendary (and legendarily weird) anime FLCL. Both a distillation and rebuke to its infamous predecessor Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL has become a classic in its own right, thanks in part to being regularly reshown on [adult swim]. But FLCL was so much its own thing and of its time, and the nature of its story so self-contained, that it was very much a question of how you would even begin making one sequel, let alone two.

The answer so far seems to be by not trying to make a sequel. FLCL Progressive, the first of the two sequel series, premiered its first episode on [adult swim]'s Toonami block last night, and it's taking an unexpected but not unwelcome approach to the challenge. In a way, Progressive almost seems like its doing to its predecessor what the original FLCL did to Evangelion.