Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Big O Showtime: Enemy is Another Big!

Well fuck me. Major revelations this episode along with the return of a villain.

So first of all, Schwarzwald is back. I thought he was crushed under rubble all the way back in Episode 4. But having dug his way out, his plan is now clear. Schwarzwald wants to reveal to everybody just what happened 40 years ago. Drive everybody as crazy as he is with the truth. The guy comes across like a religious zealot, spreading the glory of his cause. Whether people want it or not. This is exemplified by the scene of his masquerade party, a bunch of the city's elite are there so he can basically set fire to them. Also drug them I think because they all act intoxicated.

Big Duo
Helping him is his megadeus. Yeah, he's got a megadeus now. A megadeus related to Big O called Big Duo. Holy Shit. So far Big O has been unique, even among other megadeuses, in that Big O can be piloted. There have been other piloted giant robots but those weren't megadeuses. So what the hell is Big Duo? Big O's brother? Even their cockpits look similar. Big Duo also seems more powerful than Big O, because he manhandles Big O without much problem and Big O has to crater a city to get a leg up on him. But that's before the bigger reveal, Big Duo can move on its own. It was letting Schwarzwald control it.

This raises so many questions. Can all the megadeuses do this? Just the Bigs? Why did Big Duo let Schwarzwald control it? And why does Big O let Roger control it? I'm starting to think the Bigs might have had something to do with the Event 40 years ago. It might explain how the hell Schwarzwald found one under the city. But I'm not really sure what to makes of this yet. Except are there more Bigs out there?

Bit more from Rosewater this episode too. Tiny things, but that still make me curious about the guy. He's the one who sends Roger after Schwarzwald, so I guess Roger passed his test or whatever. It's on the pretense of giving Schwarzwald his Group severance pay but I think Rosewater wanted Schwarzwald to attack. During his rampage in the dome we see Rosewater smiling. Maybe he knew about Big Duo being down there and specifically sent Schwarzwald down there to find it. Him going crazy and trying to destroy everything is probably a bonus. Given his having pre-Event knowledge, I wonder if Rosewater is trying to trigger another event and knew he'd need the Bigs to do it. Damn mysterious plotting.

Also a subtle appearance by Dorothy and her unknown connection to Megadeuses. She shows at the scene of Big Duo's attack despite not being there beforehand. It seems like she's looking for Angel (who tipped Roger off to Schwarzwald's party), but I think she might have been drawn there by the two Bigs. This is why I hate two-parters, you don't know what's important until the second half.

Good music this episode. Especially during Big O's first fight with Big Duo. It's a pseudo-Baroque classical music that works with the setting and mood of the show. It's not as good later when the triumphal hero theme is playing over Big O getting the crap beat out of him. Mostly questions and action this time around, but hopefully we get some answers and revelations in the second part. It is the last episode of the season.

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