Join the Serial Wordsmith every Saturday as he recaps and reviews the last season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Something the Clone Wars writers realized in the later seasons is that the audience knowing the outcome of the war wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Because they trusted that the audience (or at least a large segment of it) had seen Revenge of the Sith, it meant they could use our foreknowledge against us. It's like Alfred Hitchcock used to say, "Show two people eating dinner unawares, then show a bomb planted under the table and you have suspense". That's exactly what they've been doing with Fives in this arc and so far it's been working great.
Especially this episode where in true Hitchcock fashion, Fives ends up under suspicion and has to go undercover. But let me back up. After accidentally killing Tup last time by removing his tumor, Dr. Nala Se has been ordered by Dooku to get rid of all the evidence before Shaak Ti and the Jedi can find out about Order 66. And by evidence he means Fives. So stealing Tup's tumor, Fives has to evade his fellow clones on Kamino while pursuing his own investigation of the tumor.