Monday, July 8, 2013

The Big O Showtime: Bring Back My Ghost

Huh. Filler. Wasn't expecting that.

Yeah, not much really moved forward this episode. No new information or character development. Well, we do find there's more giant robots in the city but we knew that already. Just an okay one-off story. Not much for me to talk about.

Okay, it's not really development but we get more of Dastun's character this episode. He has the whole "one honest cop" thing going for him. We learn in this episode that the police are corrupt and working for the Paradigm Group. That's actually the catalyst for the plot, the "ghost" of a murdered cop comes back for revenge against the dirty cops who killed him. Spoilers, the ghost is actually a giant robot.

Anyway, back to Dastun. When Roger finds the murdered cop who wasn't actually murdered, he gets arrested. Dastun promises to Roger the man will receive a fair trial, on the honor of the police. Honor he's trying to bring back to them. So he's a principled man, who wants to bring some integrity back to his profession. Nice. Plus, I like that when a giant ghost shows up and attacks people, his first instinct is to shoot the damn thing before Big O shows up. It's like Dastun is a mix of Doctor Who's Brigadier and Commissioner Gordon, awesome.

Another thing, this is the first time somebody's gotten a Memory and not gone batshit nutso. That murdered cop? After he was killed, he fell into the river and the giant robot saved him. It also gave him a Memory so he could use it as a ghost monster. The writers kind of waffle on whether it was actually a Memory or not, but it seems close enough to me. Maybe it's because the guy was younger, or it wasn't his own Memory and that's why he didn't go nuts. That's the problem with filler, you're not sure what is important or not.

The "ghost"
That's about all I've got on this one. But one more thing, what is up with those next episode things after the credits? Closeup on a phone, Norman answers it and some guy says the next episode's title. The man who speaks sounds a bit like Beck, the villain from the first two episodes, but I'm not sure if it's him. And we can tell it's Roger's phone, the hourglasses are a dead giveaway. I don't have any deeper point here, I just find it weird.

Hopefully something better tomorrow.

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