Sunday, October 28, 2012

Go see Cloud Atlas

Do it, go see this movie. It's incredible. Visually lush, amazing performances, makeup, effects, and editing that would make any filmmaker envious, great music. You owe it yourself to see this.

I'm not even lying or being hyperbolic when I say Cloud Atlas left me speechless. Coming out of the theater, I was stunned. I felt winded as if I had run a marathon. This movie impacts you. At least it did me.

But I suppose the most amazing thing about Cloud Atlas, besides the fact it exists at all, is how good it is. Weaving together six stories taking place decades and miles apart together into a cohesive whole. And while cutting between the different stories is a little jarring at first, each one is visually distinct enough that after a little while the movie gets you into the flow. Major kudos to the Wachowskis and Tom Twyker.

Also helping ease the audience between the different stories is the cast. The entire principal cast is only about seven or eight people who take on different characters in each of the six stories. Sometimes they're the focus of the story, sometimes it's just a cameo but they're still there. Even as they change age, race and even gender in some cases reinforcing the theme of recurrence and connectivity. And the entire cast gives great performances. Especially Halle Berry who hasn't been this good in years. And Hugo Weaving, who is almost always the villain in every story, making every character distinctive in their own way. In fact, all the actors do that. Really just top notch acting across the board.

I can't praise this movie enough. It's almost more of a musical piece than a movie. When you're watching it, if you allow the film to sweep you up and go along with its flow you'll have quite an affecting experience. Even its sillier parts like the post-apocalyptic pidgin English gels with you after a while.

It's a 5/5, no question. Go see it. Even if you don't like it (which I doubt you will) You'll be able to say you've never seen anything like it.

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