Saturday, September 22, 2012

Going on an adventure (and Doctor Who jokes)

Hey! New Hobbit trailer...

Nice to see that it's different than the last one. The first Hobbit trailer gave more of "Oh crap, Lord of the Rings is back" feeling and scale of epicness, this one is more about setting up The Hobbit's actual story. This is especially good for people who only know this series through the movies and have never actually read the books. I also like how it has a more lighthearted tone than Lord of the Rings did. The Hobbit is a much more lighthearted book than LotR and it's good to see that carried over into the movies.

And this trailer gave us our first glimpse at Gandalf's fellow wizard Radagast the Brown, played by former Doctor Sylvester McCoy. More on him after the jump...

Man, the Doctor's fallen on hard times. Joking aside, I like his homeless wizard look. From what I've read, Radagast is more of a nature wizard (hence his sled pulled by giant bunnies in the trailer) so his dirty bum version of his buddy Gandalf's outfit makes sense. Incidentally, he's the guy who controls those big eagles from Lord of the Rings. So if you're wondering why they didn't just fly right to Mordor (besides the obvious reason that Sauron would have seen them coming) blame him.

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